CLAMPER Light 480V 20kV P T5
Surge Protective Device (SPD), with protection technology based on Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) or with hybrid protection technology based on Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) + Gas Discharge Tube (GDT), suitable for LED luminaries – Outdoor and Indoor applications.

Product Details
Surge Protective Device (SPD), type 5, with hybrid protection technology based on Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) and Gas Discharge Tube (GDT) for electroeletronic equipment protection on power lines.
鈥ithstands voltage pulses up to 20 kV @ 1.2/50 碌s;
鈥ithstands current surges up to 20 kA @ 8/20 碌s;
鈥onnection in parallel with the load;
鈥L Recognized Component (UL 1449, UL 935, UL 1029);
鈥eets ANSI C82.77-5 2017:Category C High;
鈥oHS compliant.
Protection of LED lighting systems applied in highways, public roads, tunnels, garages and parking lots.
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